Dredging the bottom looking for the mirror Bible in hand, is anything clearer? The twists and turns someone will say What is the start where is the end why must we pray? I am but new to the divine path Dodging and weaving am I escaping wrath? Some things seem …

EACH DAY Read More


Peter opened his mouth and said, “Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality, but in every nation any one who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him.” Acts 10:34-35 Scratching out a beginners understanding of the Bible still has me asking basic questions and wondering …

PEOPLE Read More


Sarah and I would exchange ‘the look’.  You know, the times when your eyes would meet, and you knew you were communicating beyond the surface.  You knew, while the words might be the same, they were closer to the heart, closer to truth.  Absent would be the odd but somehow …

SARAH Read More