Summer Sun & Fun – Too Old to be Young – Too Young to be Old

Syb Brodie

I love the warmth of the summer in Muskoka with the many beautiful lakes which surround our part of the world. It brings so much fun and happiness to those cooling off in the water while the children spend hours building sand castles on the beaches. Our towns are filled with happy tourists escaping the cities to find time to unwind from their daily responsibilities. This brings smiles to faces and a joyful spring to ones step, while helping our shopkeepers and businesses keep going during the long winter months. I also love living in a small town with the many activities along with my place of worship within a short distance from where I reside. Lord bless the many who come to find rest and renewal in beautiful Muskoka. May they encounter You while they are here so their lives will be able to cope with whatever is ahead in their daily lives.
In June’s edition I promised you more of Ted Thompson’s writings so here are two more for more summer fun and laughter – Ted’s way.  Syb.

Too Old to be Young – Too Young to be Old
by Ted Thompson (2017)
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. Psalm 126:2

My employer, a man I respect, told me at the end of my most recent term of work that he was concerned about my health and potential for working next year. I of course laughed and assured both of us that I would be ready and able to start in May of next year. My habit is to laugh because I am absolutely sure doubts like these are just knee jerk reactions to my age. I always think I have abused my body for sixty-seven years and I am not dead yet. I believe this comes from a Scottish/Northern Irish background and attitude that has at its center a “no surrender” motto.
Well motto or not I have run into situations recently which asks me to really consider my age and my employer’s concern. I have virtually always lived in the country and am used to the various jobs inherent to this life style. When I got home from the camp I relished there were some trees to fall and some brush to eliminate. Try as I might I could not get my chainsaw to work. Odd because usually I can wrestle the beast to life. Okay I will take it in for repairs. At the repair shop I was told that it had been twenty years since they had been able to legally work on saws so old.
“It hasn’t got a single safety feature” I was told. He went on “I think this thing must be forty years old”.    “Fifty” I corrected him.
I believe his laughter could be heard for miles. “I tell you what, he said, if you let me I can put it up on a shelf where we keep the antiques”.
I was sorry to see it go but I understood, safety after all. But I wanted just for a few seconds to show this upstart that at least I was not antique. I left with pamphlets telling me that I could buy a new chainsaw with all the safety features and I would only be $700.00 poorer.
Recently I was doing some Christmas shopping. The people I was shopping for have a new baby and I felt would appreciate some pampers. I was in a pharmacy and found I could not find these precious items. I asked a young woman where I could find Pampers.
She hesitated for a minute and said “you mean for a baby”?
For just a second I had the most unchristian thoughts but my slightly cooler head allowed me to respond “yes”.
One day recently an old football injury which causes my knee to swell flared up. I have a cane that I walk with very occasionally. It is quite amazing how doors flew open and people offered to carry packages. I mused, if I had a walker perhaps people might drive me home and shovel my driveway.
The old guy who showed up in the mirror one day still keeps showing up and try as I might he’s not getting any younger. I can comfort myself knowing that God has allowed this and perhaps I should celebrate every day.
Yes, I think I will do just that and understand each day as an opportunity to serve God. Sometimes I wonder what God wants with a glib, flippant turkey like me. However, he has allowed me to live to an age where I still have some get up and go and I should and will be grateful.
I love irony and to laugh. I feel deeply for those I care for and love. God has allowed me this latitude and the ability to see humour in the day to day trials.
Some day he will call me home and I will go with all the love in my heart.

Perhaps He has a Chainsaw I could use.

Press On Towards The Goal as Ted Did! – Syb.

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.   Philippines 3:12-14


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