With all the talk of prayer we have been having lately I still have a hard time trying to define it. I believe at its basic level I am talking to God. However it seems to me that there are many ways you can talk to God. One definition and …
With all the talk of prayer we have been having lately I still have a hard time trying to define it. I believe at its basic level I am talking to God. However it seems to me that there are many ways you can talk to God. One definition and …
There are many names given for God; Here are a few of them you might recognize, along with some meanings. Abba Aramaic: Father or Dear Father Adonai Hebrew: the Lord, the superior One or Master El Shaddai Hebrew: God Almighty, All Powerful God Elohim Hebrew: The Supreme or Sovereign God …
In my years of Bible study, the book of Revelation has always been a favorite of mine. Not just for the ‘End of Times’ prophecy, but after our time of testing is over, it talks about the new heaven, the new earth, and the new Jerusalem in this way . …
The span of our life is seventy years, or if we are strong, eighty; yet at best it is toil and sorrow, over in a moment, and then we are gone. Psalm 90:10 – Complete Jewish Bible The above Scripture tells us we have on average, a lifespan of seventy …