I guess I never really understood it! Certainly, I understood the origin of the celebration; you know the birth of Jesus, Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph and all. It took years to understand gift giving as a ritual representing Gods gift to us and our caring for each other. It has become …


The Power of Prayer

Time after time, history has been shaped by prayer. Queen Mary said she feared the prayers of John Knox more than all the armies of Scotland. John Wesley’s prayers brought revival to England, sparing them the horrors of the French Revolution. Revival spread throughout the American colonies when Jonathan Edwards …

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I Had A Dream

“Though He causes grief, yet He will show compassion”.  Lamentations 3:32 God spoke to many people through dreams.  The Bible tells us those who believed on Him also understood what the dreams were saying to them. Take Mary’s  husband Joseph for example.  God spoke four times to him in dreams …

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