I have been helping out with a mission in Portugal this past May and have not had the time to put together a personal article for my EncouraGem readers. However, I have been reading a book called ‘The Best of A.W. Tozer’ compiled by Warren W. Wiersbe. I felt compelled to include one of the excerpts from his “God Tells the Man Who Cares” book titled – “This World: Playground or Battleground?”. I hope it inspires you just as it did for me along with the many quotes I have included here from other writers, for this merry month of May encouragement. Blessings, Syb.
by Gordon & Gladis DePree
Being a Christian
Is sometimes a state of great frustration.
There are times when we glimpse the vastness
Of the potential
contained in the Christian gospel,
And then one look around, or within,
Can reveal what a tiny portion of this potential
Is ever actualized,
Or even comprehended.
And we squander our one short life
Not by any willingness to do evil,
But by becoming plodding persons
Who have lost sight of the wonder,
And are caught up in taxes,
The mortgage,
The grocery bill,
And setting the alarm clock,
Ad nauseum …
Keep the dream alive in me!
2) I tell you the truth, My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name.”John 16:23
This prayer by Ruth Bell Graham lets you know how to petition God in prayer. Don’t pray in a namby pamby kind of way – but powerfully, and beseechingly, because …
Thou art coming to a King,
Large Petitions with thee bring,
For His grace and power are such,
None can ever ask too much!
3) The buzzword today is tolerance. But I want to be only as tolerant as God is, and God is quite intolerant of what is not true. Dr. David Jeremiah
4) To the child of God, there is no such thing as an accident. He or she travels an appointed way. A. W. Tozer
5) Prayer reminds us of who is in charge. You don’t take your requests to someone with less authority. You take them to someone who outranks you in the solutions department.
The same is true in prayer. You don’t pray just to let God know what’s going on. He’s way ahead of you on that one. You pray to transfer “my will be done” to “God’s will be done.” And, since He’s in charge, He knows the best solution. Prayer transfers the burden to God and He lightens your load. Prayer pushes us through life’s slumps, propels us over the humps, and pulls us out of the dumps. Prayer is the oomph we need to get the answers we seek. So, pray … today! Max Lucado
6) Charles Spurgeon once said, “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”
7) D.L. Moody said in his dying day… “In a little while you will read in the newspaper that I am dead. Do not believe a word of it, for I will be more alive than ever before.”
8) Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny. C.S. Lewis