A Hand of Comfort

“We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”  Romans 8:28

Have you ever felt like you have just received a brutal beating? Was that a steamroller that just flattened your battered body leaving you with no form or substance?
The hidden assault bombards you with deep seated pain. Your whole being is throbbing inside and out, and yet there is no physical evidence showing that to be the case.
To the world your outward facade does not reveal that you might not be able to keep yourself together one more second, minute, hour, let alone days.
But then you are reminded it is the night for gathering with believers for prayer. You know that you have been blessed in the past when you made yourself do things in spite of your mind and bodies protests to do otherwise. So you manage to get ready and go to the meeting.

While there praying with the others you mention this heavy burden that is weighing you down. As outward sobs wrack your body someone places their hand on yours bringing an immediate surge of comfort. You grab hold of that hand and hold on tight! You feel God’s love flow through that pro-offered hand as His strength upholds you while His saints continue in prayer.
The comfort He supplies with that hand along with the prayers, begins to calm your spirit giving you the strength you need to continue on for another day.

Satan has lost another round. He can never win.
Won’t ever win with you again.
He lost the battle to your Saviour two thousand years ago. 

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