Heaven is getting crowded, it seems. Crowded with too many people I know. My sister, my dad, my mother, my niece, my wife’s parents. My daughter. And dozens of others I have known or know about… And the more we see our loved ones depart this world, the more we wish we knew the ins and outs of heaven. We can read what the Bible says, and we can read books…. but we really don’t know what we want to know about God’s abode. For now, then, we have the dual responsibility of making the most of what God has given us in this life—an abundant life, the indwelling Holy Spirit, jobs to do, good works to manifest, and a message to take to the world. That’s a big chore for tent dwellers, but maybe that’s one reason God wants us to be so busy here — so we won’t spend too much time trying to figure out the mysteries of heaven. Heaven is an encouragement to us because of who is there and what is being built for us. John 14 and 2 Corinthians 5 remind us of that.
Tent now. Heaven later. Live in one while eagerly awaiting the other.
That’s what tent dwellers do.
Taken from the Book – Beyond the Valley by Dave Branon