You have turned for me my mourning into dancing. Psalm 30:11

There are many things that bring disappointment into our lives.
We can be disappointed with . . . Our political leaders; our children; our relatives; our friends; our parents; our church, our pastor; ourselves; with God.

We are disappointed when we are taken for granted; when others don’t see our problems; when special moments in our lives are ignored or forgotten. And when you feel that others have forgotten you completely.

Forgotten? Perhaps! But whatever the reason for your disappointment there is only one way to deal with it and that is to arrange an appointment with God through prayer. Tell Him how you are hurting. Why you are disappointed. Wrestle with Him as Jacob wrestled to get the answer he needed.

Can’t see it yet? Then keep wrestling and bringing it before Him until your why questions are replaced by a trust in God to supply the answers needed at that time.

Somewhere along the line you will work it out with Him and your attitude will change directions. If you do not forgive whomever you feel is disappointing you, you will carry that disappointment forward for another and another and another day until the weight of it becomes unbearable.

Soon you will notice your name has changed from Naomi (pleasant) to Mara (bitter). Bitterness will only lead you into more disappointment, not only towards others but with yourself. After all, how many people have you disappointed in the past without being aware of it?

We all face disappointment throughout our lives, but be encouraged. The pain of disappointment can be soothed with a heart of gratitude.

Randy Kilgore writes – “When Jesus promised He would never leave us alone, He meant in the hard times as well as in the good times… Look for God in your difficult place and discover what He’s doing in and through you there.” — ODB September 20/13

Listen carefully (that is not an easy thing to do) and wait (even harder still) for His direction. Then act upon those directions and make the necessary adjustments to your life.

Turn your life from disappointment to an appointment to meet with God to help lift you up and over your disappointments. 

Disappointment — His appointment,
No good thing will He withhold;
From denials oft we gather
Treasures of His love untold. – Young

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