Whatever you do, do it heartily,
as to the Lord and not to men.
Colossians 3:23

In any organization, one does not see or hear about all the workers that are laboring behind the scenes to keep things flowing smoothly. Some do it out of love for their job, for the satisfaction of a job well done, or for pride in ones work. Some work only to support themselves and their families giving nothing extra in return. Then, there are those who do their job and more because they love the Lord and are filled with joy at the privilege of serving Him.
Our church at Riverside has many such people laboring at many jobs in our church as well as out in the community. I would like to point out how Christ is moving and working in and through this congregation.
I will not mention names as you know who you are while I am sure to have forgotten some of you and your labors and for that I apologize. I am most grateful that my lack of recognition will not deter you from the tasks God has set before you.
The gardens in front and around our church radiate the beauty and joy of our Saviour. It does not come about without many hours of hard, back breaking work. Thanks to all of you who contribute to our visual pleasure as we come in to worship our Lord.
Then there are those who labor happily behind the scenes with the maintenance, keeping God’s house in good repair while making sure the building and grounds are cared for and inviting.
The front office is always a hub of activity with management of so many areas of expertise that I cannot begin to name them all. The main thrust, especially now when we are looking for a Pastor, is on the shoulders of our Administrative Assistant whom God has blessed us with in abundance.
Those in charge of the Kitchen and church meals or gatherings give with willing hands and hearts to serve the Lord wherever He shows the need, with little recognition as we partake of their goodies, but you can be sure God is taking notice!
The Sanctuary flowers and decorations that add so much beauty and enjoyment to our service.
When you come to partake of the Lord’s Table, don’t forget the faithful people who fill the cups, prepare the bread, and set the communion table.
What about all the people that give of their time as Deacons, in Committees, looking after the Finances, Clerks, Bible Study groups, Missions, Ignite, Good News Club, Sunday School, Nursery, Musicians, Vocalists, Ushers, Treasurer, VBC, JOY, Tellers, Prayer, those who go to nursing homes and those who pick up those congregates needing a ride to church, appointments, gatherings. Those who visit the sick or infirm needing a friendly smile and a comforting word and a prayer. Those many people on the list for Hosts and Greeters that makes one feel so welcome on Sunday mornings.
Those working in our Library so we can be spiritually enlightened or entertained with a wholesome book to while away any lonely hours.
All of these people are giving of their time because they love Christ and want to be obedient to use their talents for His call.
All of you who take time out of your busy lives to help bring joy, encouragement and laughter to those around you, thank you. God has been teaching me so much through you. I know He is doing the same to others who may not even be aware of why they are feeling so welcome and at peace when they come through our church doors.
God Bless all of you that serve with such willing hearts! 

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