Everyday Miracles

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your powers among the peoples. Psalm 77:14 It seems anyone’s thoughts on miracles surrounds grand happenings or gestures which have profound effects in life. From water to wine, from invalid to health, from death to life this is often where we …

Everyday Miracles Read More


If we as Christians believe God’s word to be true, why do we feel the happenings in this world are not under His control? Why do we feel hopeless when we hear of ‘Wars and rumors of wars’. Why do we fear? Have we forgotten who is in charge? Watchman …

GOD IS… Read More


“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your powers among the peoples.”   Psalm 77:14 It seems anyone’s thought on miracles surrounds grand happenings or gestures which have profound effects in life.  From water to wine, from invalid to health, from death to life this is often where we …